Sustainability Management

Security Service


Security Service

Security equipment is the core foundation of our security service system. We ensure that each piece of equipment undergoes product evaluation tests to guarantee safety, stability, and longterm usage without risk of short circuits or abnormalities. This is an integral part of our peace of mind service. In addition, system security demands urgent, real-time, and comprehensive service. Therefore, Shin Kong Security has established a 24-hour customer service center certified for ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems. This center standardizes, digitizes, and provides real-time customer service processes, accumulating rich experience in security service and data. This facilitates subsequent marketing efforts and the development of new products tailored to customer needs, serving as a continuous basis for meeting customer demands.

24-hour Alert Monitoring

Set up a 24-hour control center to monitor the safety of the client’s property around the clock.

Abnormal Signal Confirmation

Classify events based on class of signal sent from the client’s property.

Flexible Dispatching

When receiving abnormal signals, dispatch personnel for handling.

Notification of Police

Notify the police immediately in case of a burglary or other disastrous events.

Accident Handling

Send staff to investigate and determine the responsibility after the occurrence of the accident, and further consider the compensation based on the contract.

Other After-sales Services

Change of installation, after-sales maintenance, customer complaints, and other matters.

NO. of detentions (pcs)
NO. of people honored
Amount released (NT$)