Sustainability Roadmap

Stakeholder Communication

Materiality Topics

In accordance with the AA1000 SES: 2015 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES) guidelines, SKS identified the primary stakeholders by assessing their dependency, responsibility, influence, tension, and diverse perspectives. Through daily interaction and communication with stakeholders, and referencing international sustainability norms and standards (GRI Guidelines, SASB, ISO 26000, TCFD, AA1000 Accountability Principles, SDGs), following sustainability issue surveys, feedback was gathered from seven categories of stakeholders on their concerns regarding 21 sustainability issues. After identifying and assessing their levels of concern and impact, the Company integrated these findings into its business strategy planning, incorporating senior management interviews and international trend adjustments. Further evaluations involved members of the Sustainability Development Committee, senior executives, and team members including managers, assistant managers, junior managers, and section managers. Eventually, 14 key sustainability issues spanning ESG aspects were selected and reported to the Board of Directors as part of the organization’s annual major sustainability issues. Corresponding management policies were developed according to GRI Guidelines, United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), etc., alongside setting short, medium, and long-term objectives. Progress is reviewed annually and disclosed in the Shin Kong Security ESG Report.

Materiality Topics boundaries and value chains
Identifying Communication Targets 7 categories of key stakeholder
  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Shareholders/investors
  • Partners
  • Suppliers
  • Government agencies
  • Andthe media
Gathering & Identifying ESG Sustainability Topics
  • Environmental (6)topics
  • Social (6)topics
  • Governance (9) topics
Assessing Sustainability Concerns & Impact Significance
  • Stakeholders' Level of Concern 7 major categories of keystakeholders, with participation from 417 stakeholders.
  • Impact on the Organization's Operational Activities 6 dimensions defining company values and operational impacts,with participation from 237 executives and colleagues.
Finalizing Material Topics

14 Sustainability Material Topics

  • Interviews with senior management.
  • Assessments from middle and senior management.
  • Board of Directors reports.
Disclosing and Reporting Material Topics
  • Establish internal management policies.
  • Set short, medium, and long-term goals and review progress.
  • Publish the SKS ESG Report.

Table of 2023 SKS Sustainability Material Topic
Original Topic
Newly-ranked topic
Newly-ranked topic &newly-added topic
Dimension Material topic Change in priority Corresponding GRI standard(s) Corresponding SDG(s) Corresponding chapter(s)
Climate Action Management 305
4.1 Environmental Governance
Energy Resources Management 302
4.2 Green Management
Supply Chain Management 204308414
4.3 Sustainable Supply Chain
Biodiversity Custom Topic
4.4 Sustainable Environmental Education
Workplace Safety and Health 403
5.3 Healthy and Safe Workplace
Workplace Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion 401402404405
5.1 Building a Happy Workplace
5.2 Talent Training and Development
Labor/Management Relations 402
5.1 Building a Happy Workplace
Market Presence 202
5.1 Building a Happy Workplace
Social Engagement 413
6.1 An-Shin Class
6.2 Deeply Rooted Local Sustainable Communities
6.3 SKS Community Care Welfare Foundation
6.4 Taiwan SKS Foundation for Arts and Culture
Corporate Governance 205
2.3 Corporate Governance
Customer Relations and Service Quality Management 416
3.1 Customer Relationship Management
Operational Performance 201
2.2 Financial Performance
Regulatory Compliance 205
2.4 Regulatory Compliance
Privacy Protection 418
3.1 Customer Relationship Management